The Award Winning |
The "Work Saver" Quality Keyboard !
Unbelievable! 142 keys!!
MCK-142 Programmable
...for persons seriously concerned about how long it takes to get a job done ...
who need to simplify and save time!
Quality - Great Feel - Time Saver!
Features User Feedback Byte Magazine Article How Easy to Program? How to Order
can I do with those 24 programmable keys?
your favorite programs with just one key press! Program macros, formulas, CAD key
combinations, text intros and salutations, paragraphs, multi key stroke combinations,
functions ... in fact anything where you may need to reduce multiple key strokes to one
key press. Great for data entry! Every time we publish this site we have to
type in our account name and password. We have it programmed on 1 key! Now
signing on takes just 1 key press! Pop up programs inside of other programs like
calculator, notepad... any program you desire just 1 key press! The possibilities
are endless! How
Easy to Program?
Great with
Solomon IV, MAS90, IBM, AutoCad, Office 97, Windows '95-'98-NT, Word, Word Perfect, Lotus
1-2-3, Excel, Access, VC++, VB5-6, Back Office, Delphi, MSDOS, Linux, UNIX, Adobe,
Micrografx, Semantic and all of today's popular Windows and non Windows programs!
Save Work! Reduce tedium! Work faster! Work smarter! "I personally use the MCK-142 "Work Saver" Keyboard every day. This has got to be the best keyboard I've ever used and I've been using keyboards since I built my first Z-80 computer in 1976!" (Jim Faliveno, President) Listen to what our customers have to say! Add your name to our mailing list Click Here |
Questions? Email for the answer. Click Here
April 1998 BYTE Magazine reports.......
"Spring is around the corner, and the Orchids and Onions are sprouting in Dr. Pournelle's garden."
"A few months ago, I wrote about the Avant Stellar keyboard from Creative Vision Technologies . It's a great keyboard, and I still recommend it." "But the User's Choice Award for keyboards goes hands down to Ortek Technologies ... for their MCK-142 Pro. The MCK-142 has the heft and feel and keyclick of the old Northgate OmniKey. It has function keys across the top and on the side as well. Above the keyboard are 24 keys you can program to do almost anything, including address and signature, and opening programs with parameters; essentially, any text string you like at the touch of a button. The MCK-142 feels good and is as solid as a rock. It doesn't have the "Windows" key, but then that's nothing more than control-escape anyway." "My Northgate OmniKey keyboards are old, and several have broken down. Now I don't worry about that so much. If you liked the Northgate OmniKey, you will like the Ortek MCK-142." BYTE Magazine - April 1998 / Pournelle / Good Enough Is Good Enough
"The Bitterness of Poor Quality lasts long after...
the sweetness of cheap price has been forgotten!"
The "Work Saver" MCK-142 Pro keyboard is available directly from us. (MSRP $149.00 plus shipping). Contact us for ***special introductory pricing***
(or take a peek at the credit card form).
Place Your SECURE CREDIT CARD order now!.
If you wish to place your order directly please call 607-264-3653 9am - 5pm EST.
Or, if you prefer you can email us your name, address and credit card information.
All orders are shipped in 24 hours from stock
* * * * * * * * We Ship Anywhere in the World * * * * * * * * 30 day No Questions Asked Return Policy (you pay shipping)
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Monumental Computer Applications, Inc.
9 Genesee Street
Cherry Valley, N. Y. USA 13320
607-264-3307 FAXSince 1986
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